Derek Hynd & Andreea Waters
Brooklyn, NY
It all started with a documentary photography class at the International Center of Photography in NYC. Mid-way through the class the teacher pulled me aside and said, “Find your passion.” Thank you Natan Dvir for always challenging me. Working with him three years later to edit and sequence this book was the perfect ending to a crazy/beautiful ride.
Thank you Tyler Breuer for writing the foreword and making this book even more meaningful. Many thanks to George Bates, Michael Kololyan, and Michael Reinhardt for teaching me local knowledge, the ways of the ocean, and for the many wave hunting road trips.
A special thank you to Derek Hynd, the wild card who crossed my path in perfect timing. Your feedback and inspiration gave this book the extra creative spark to truly celebrate the unique spirit of New York surf culture.
Big thanks to George Bates for the cover’s hand-lettered type and to Elisa Bates for the creative collaboration. Thank you Ben Diep for the digital image process.
Thank you Harvey Stein, photographer and author, for teaching me your book publishing knowledge and being a part of my journey. And thanks to Schiffer Publishing for believing in my art and vision, and making it happen.
Love and thanks to Max, Jeff, Olivia, and Cornel—the family that thinks I am crazy for chasing my dream but always support me.
Surfers: Luke Allen, Jeff Anthony, George Bates, Tyler Breuer, Juliane Camposano,
Mikey DeTemple, Russ Dungan, Leif Engstrom, Christopher Gaby, Giuseppe Giammona, Tony Farmer, Sean Kittle, Michael Kololyan, Evelyn O'Doherty, Thaddeus O'Neil, Mike O'Toole, Siobhan Mullen, Michael Reinhardt, Franco Rinaldi, Balaram Stack, Paul Schmidt, John M. Schultz, Josh Steinberg, Anthony Subietas, Ashley Wood, and water photographer John Manzoni.
Photo Editing: Natan Dvir
Foreword: ©Tyler Breuer
Cover Hand Lettered Type: ©George Bates
Cover Design Collaboration: George Bates & Derek Hynd
Design Collaboration: Elisa & George Bates, E & G Studio
Digital Image Process: Ben Diep, Color Space Imaging LLC
Video Trailer/Direction, Design, Motion Graphics: Elisa Bates
Video Trailer Music: "And Heralds" by Rontronik
Published by Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road
Atglen, PA 19310